About Me


Hello and welcome. My name is Shiromi and I am Your Divine Healer. I have a special God given gift for healing people, a gift for divine service which I am very grateful for and have helped a lot souls to move beyond painful situations and to begin living a positive and deeply fulfilled life.

Working respectfully with my divine gift, I discovered that working as a channel for divine energy, I could transform the energy vibrations surrounding the person I was healing; clearing away negative energy and creating positive energy patterns which in turn heal the healee.

I have healed many souls worldwide on a daily basis through ‘distance healing’. As a gifted and intuitive divine healer, I work deeply with God, Archangels, Ascended Masters and all Divine Beings in sending energy of deep healing vibration to you or to a nominated person or any animal no matter where in the world you are situated for their highest good.

I have absolute faith in the healing process but I encourage you to read all the material on this site before making a decision to consult with me.

I don’t diagnose ailments or tell the future, I am just God’s tool and heal with God’s Divine Energy. I am an accredited Divine Healer and Reiki Grandmaster and my healing techniques are guided by the divine and I have earned a lot of merits for more than a decade of doing successful healings.

Divine healing is an integrative therapy that enables healing and restorative balance for body, mind and spirit. However divine healing is an alternative and complimentary therapy that supports, but is not a replacement for the treatment of disease and injury by conventional means.  

The divine intention and vibration of pure God’s divine energy healing knows no boundaries.

Your life is nothing more than a love story, Between you and God. Nothing more. Every person, every experience, every gift, every loss, every pain is sent to your path for one reason and one reason only; To bring you back to Him.

With love from me and light to you!

Yours humbly,Shiromi