Shared Stories

God knows our inner most needs and he sends His angels along the way to help us.

Shiromi was one such angel who came into my life when I needed her the most through a nurse caring for my sister Amira who suddenly had a brain hemorrhage and is now in a vegetative state.

I have desperately cried out for help and Shiromi has never let me down. She has reached out and sent her Divine healing for Amira ever since and I have seen some changes in her.

Thanks Shiromi for always being there for us during this most trying time in our lives.

I truly believe in God’s Mighty healing power through His instrument you Shiromi “Our Divine Healer” and that Amira will be completely healed in His time. Nothing is impossible for God.

You are indeed blessed with the most precious gift of Healing Shiromi and I thank God for putting you into our lives. Please keep healing Amira.

God bless you always!


Well words will not be sufficient to thank Shiromi for all her healing, she is just a magician for my family and me. Shiromi has always been there for me selflessly whenever I have asked her for healing and of course with a lot of love and care. I do wish to thank you from my heart for everything you do for us. Your touch is very peaceful and magical and I have personally felt the energy flowing and getting a lot of relief from my pain. Your healing is miraculous for us and you always say that you are just a divine vessel but for me you are an angel, a magician and a God sent blessing.


My dearest friend Shiromi is not only an amazing friend but an awesome human being who is a very special person who loves to help one and all with her healing abilities. She has helped me not just heal but think clearly and be at peace with myself…

Thank you Shiromi for being there not just as a friend and a great listener but also my healer.


Thank you is a very small word for Shiromi who has healed me several times whenever I had drastic pains in my body. I wasn’t able to get up from my bed nor do anything. Once I had a massive unbearable pain in my left arm around 4 years ago. Basically, there was no movement in my left arm but with Shiromi ‘s divine healing, pain was gradually departing my body as if God sent an angel to heal me.

Then in 2018, I had some nerve issues in my right leg & again the pain was unbearable as if I was about to die. I got so worried that all negative thoughts surrounded me. But again with her divine angelic healing, I became fine. Not only this, she healed my mum who got detected with cancer & actually it was a MIRACLE for the doctors too. They were badly puzzled.

Personally in my opinion, seeing this, I believe even science failed .i am really thankful to Shiromi for giving my mum a new life & relieving me too. I hardly visit doctors. But a big thank you to my Angelic Divine Doctor Shiromi who is doing a noble work to those needed souls.i wish her all the success in life.


My mum was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma cancer which is lung cancer. Since the time we came to know of this Shiromi started healing mum continuously before, during and after her surgery which helped mum in a miraculous it any time of the day when mum would be in pain she was always there to keep sending divine healing and made mum feel comfortable. There were so many times after surgery that mum was unable to sleep due to pain but as soon as Shiromi would send healing she would immediately sleep like a Baby.

Mum was very lucky that the cancer was detected at stage 1 itself which has been removed and today she is recovering phenomenally well from her Surgery. She didn’t need to go through any kind of chemo or medication. When ever mum has any kind of health issues Shiromi is always there to help her heal and relieve the pain and make her feel comfortable.

Shiromi has not only helped my mum but also has helped my sister-in-law, my niece, my friend and me in healing from various health concerns..I express my deepest gratitude to God and Shiromi for helping us all heal well…for us Shiromi is truly God’s blessing in Disguise..Faith is very important to feel the magic of healing and we have our strong faith that healing really helps.

Thank you Shiromi for sending us the divine energy healing..stay blessed always..and keep spreading the light of divine healing to many more souls.


I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Shromi for the healing session we had for my burned skin on my hand. The session was exceptional, and i had a good and prompted healing. Aside from the healing the skin i fell light and connected during the session and felt that Shromi knows what shes is doing as a healer as the vibration went high and you could sense the presence of the divine.

I highly recommend Shromi and her work to anyone that wants to connect, heal and transcend.


I really wonder if my words will do justice to what i want to convey about Shiromi, as i cannot say enough about her in just a few lines – a pure gentle soul, who is always ready to help heal and help comfort any one in distress.

Although i connected with Shiromi just 2 -3 years ago it feels like i have always known her and my soul feels very connected to her, just being around her makes me feel comforted ,calm and enveloped in loving energy.
Shiromi is immensely blessed with the divine gift of healing and is someone who is eager and happy to share her gift with all those who need it. Shiromi always makes you feel positive along with curing with her divine healing powers. she has helped me and my family on numerous occasions and always with encouraging supportive words along with her amazing divine healing

I have no words to describe my gratitude for her, thank you dearest Shiromi from the deepest part of my soul for all your love, support, healing and immense gratitude to the universe for making our paths cross.


Shiromi, thank you for healing Aqeel. He has recovered wonderfully well and I believe there had to be divine intervention. May god bless you and may you help many more people who need your healing powers.


My mom was diagnosed with Adenocarcinoma of the stomach.She was on a feeding tube.She used to have pain,on off loose motions,sometimes infection around surgical site.Shiromi used to do Divine Healing for her.That used to help her ease her pain and keep her in positive frame of mind.
Am very grateful for Shiromi for removing time from her busy schedule and help my mom.It gave us a lot of courage too.
Once my daughter had an eye infection and she had to play a basketball match in few days.Once again Shiromi came to my rescue.Within 1-2 days she was better,much quicker then what the Dr. had predicted.
I will always remain indebted to dear Shiromi..What a wonderful soul she is..God Bless her!


Known Shiromi from a long time, she is a very humble person and full of love and helping nature. She was always inclined to healing as she always wanted to follow the what she loved the most helping others. The divine healing has helped me and my family members a lot. There is not 1 but many a times sitting in Dubai, Shiromi has helped me and my family by sending divine healing. It was this 1 time when I was not well down with a very bad boil on my thigh and diabetes had gone high after her healing not only did the boil burst on its own but I got better and the pain became less. There was this other time when my mom was not well and Shiromi gave her healing at night and mom was feeling much better by the next day. Her fever had gone and she was re energised. Thanks a lot for the healing and being a good friend forever. Thank you thank you thank you.


My name is Collin and recently I had given birth to my second child, a baby girl via C-section. I was completely fine post surgery and went to remove my stitches the same night I experienced acute pain in my foot. Test conducted the next day revealed a blood clot. The pain increased as the day progressed. I was unable to sleep at nights due to the pain. The low dose painkillers prescribed to me on account of breast feeding provided very little relief. At this time, my aunt recommended I speak to Shiromi. Talking to her brought hope, through prayers and Gods healing touch. My blood clot disappeared in 4 days. Even doctors were surprised that the clot could go so early. They also wondered whether there was a clot in the first place. Although the clot had disappeared, there was swelling in the leg and a sudden pain had developed in my calf and knee due to wrong posture. She sent me healing and my pain disappeared the next day. Over the days, the healing sent reduced the swelling on my foot in a time faster than the usual process. Gradually I could put my foot down and within a weeks time was able to walk.


What right have I to talk about my angel!
Even as a child Shiromi was bright and beautiful – an indication perhaps of the special energy within of a higher being that lay dormant in her.
Today, she is spreading that light and helping to heal all who reach out to her.
God and her Parents are to be thanked profusely for bringing this Angel into this world.
We can actually see and feel the healing touch of Shiromi. Thank you God!


Dear Shiromi,

I came to know of you through a discussion with a friend. And i cannot thank her enough for this! i have been so blessed to have met you and let you help me unconditionally.

At the time, i was in a zone where my mind was totally confused. i was not able to concentrate and suffered from anxiety and stress. even without meeting you, you helped me calm my mind and helped me sleep. i have since come to rely on you completely, and ask you to heal me when required. i can actually feel the relief as soon as i get up after a healing session from you.

i am so happy with your help that i got my husband to meet you as he had a skin problem on his hands. you helped him to an extent, i think he must see you again.

i thank God and Navneet that she introduced us. i pray to God that he keeps communicating with you, and all of us through you.

i wish you the very best and will recommend all in need of healing to put their trust on you and leave the rest to you.

Thank you Shiromi, you are the best.


With Grace of Jesus all the prayers and healings done by shiromi have been received by me . I have saw a drastic change in my life .Positive vibes have been started coming as after healing received. Now i am feeling more fresh,tension free and positive in my life. All the healings have successfully helped me in increasing my will power, hemoglobin level and strengthen my immunity .

Thanks Shiromi for doing this much for me . You are like an Angel who came in my life. May God Bless you tons and give u a long and healthy life so you keep on helping more people by healing them . You are a Pure hearted Soul on Earth .


Hi Shiromi I want to take this time to thank you for helping me through the lowest points of my life. It is through sheer coincidence or perfect timing that we got in touch and the journey has helped me grow spiritually and emotionally.

Thank you for your guidance and I ll forever be grateful- your healinghelped me with emotional support and took away anxiety so I could quiet my mind and sleep better and look forward to a future full of happiness Thanks for everything and I would recommend everyone who is going through difficulties to get this type of support.


Shiromi’s healing has helped me with absolute physical pain as well as emotional pain.

Just knowing that Shiromi is there when I need so much help and don’t know what to do or who to go to is reassuring inside my heart. Medical physicians can look narrowly at the body and treat that aspect, mental health professionals narrowly see the mind and treat the mind, ancient medicine like Chinese medicine practitioners see both physical and mental and use techniques such as acupuncture or cupping to treat but Shiromi sees the physical, the mental, the emotional states as well as the path of my soul I feel which makes me feel safe and physically and mentally and emotionally makes me feel better.

Thank you Shiromi very much for your healing in acute and chronic conditions as well as helping my family members.


Miracles do happened.

I have witnessed and experienced it myself . I was hospitalised for a week and Initially the panel of senior doctors diagnosed kidney tumour with surgery. But for last 3 days the doctors were not sure whether it’s tumour or infection. The last few days have been very stressful and tensed for me.But the healing made me positive and a miracle happened that was no surgery and was discharged from the hospital after a week. The reason of me being positive is due to Shiromi ,without her healings day and night I won’t have fight this battle. A huge thanks to Shiromi as she saved me from the surgery.

Thanks Shiromi for your positivity and healings . All the very best for the future.


My Mom was diagnosed with lung cancer and since then God has sent Shiromi as an angel for our home.She has touched and cured our family and friends selflessly with her divine energy and healing. She has always healed us whenever we have asked with full faith.Thank you Shiromi for everything.God bless you and wish you keep healing people with your pure heart and divine energy.


Shiromi helped at a time, when I’ve had a pain on the left side of my neck, I barely could move my head. Her healing hands were spreading healingwarmth through my shoulder and my entire body, so the pain already started to disappear and was completely gone after two days.

She also helped my Dad, being in hospital for a couple of month. He is now back to his old strength due to her healing energy.


Dear Shiromi, I would like to Thank YOU for the countless times you have helped me and my family with the power of your divine healing .

Being into healing myself I salute you for the sheer dedication and empathy that you have shown towards me and my family whenever I have come to you. In today’s artificial world we are always looking for a sign or a miracle to make us believe in something or someone divine and I am grateful that my search for help is only a call away . Thank you for that . Your are very special to me.


I would start by thanking Shiromi aunty for healing me and my family. There were times when I couldn’t go to school due to the unbearable pain i used to feel….. For instance, I had sprained my neck once and due to which I couldn’t move my neck but when Shiromi aunty healed me i used get relief that day itself and made me feel as if i never had any pain. She has healed my mum also …..

Few years back my mum had got a frozen shoulder due to this she used to cry everyday because of the pain …a lot of negative thoughts used to float in her brain but when she had lost hope God had sent her healing in the form of Shiromi aunty. I would like to thank her once again for everything she has done.


The healing process administered by Shiromi was very effective and impactful. It was like a God send when I was going through unbearable pain. Besides leading to a complete healing, the sessions also added to my confidence as the days went by.

Shiromi’s words apart from her treatment were extremely re-assuring and helped me to get back to normal much faster than I had anticipated. Though I had only heard of divine healing energy before, I could actually experience it during the difficult times which gave not only me but my family the much needed solace.


Dearest Shiromi..I wanted to say how grateful I am for your healing powers…you worked miracles on are a wonderful human being who goes out of her way to help people.


I was suffering in pain because I had a blood clot in my brain and was regularly in depression because of that. But Shiromi was healing me regularly and my pain disappeared. It’s not less than any miracle that we dream or talk about. God bless you Shiromi and stay blessed always!


I got to know Shiromi thru one of my ex-colleague Navneet.

My husband had lost his job because his ex-Boss flew from the country without informing anyone.
We are also having financial problems because of my husbands company. He did not get salary plus lost all money work experience of 12 long years.

I spoke to Shiromi about my problems and she told me not to worry. My husband will get a job very soon and he will come out of all problems which his boss had stored.

In the month of November my husband was blessed with a nice job. And he was relieved from all problems as well.
Then one fine day I also lost my job and then again I messaged and spoke to Shiromi about it and she told me not to worry and I will definitely get a job very soon and it happened the same way as she told me.

Today myself and my husband are having good jobs and we are very thankful to Shiromi
